Thursday, July 06, 2006

life::in a frame

i was rewinding some scenes in my head
scenes of past lives

it's amazing how much this mind can hold

pictures turn into memories

why do humans keep clinging on to those memories
those scenes
love and hate

i'd love to hate

i wish i could erase it all
start from scratch build new ones
and if i screw i'd erase it again

start over



i'd have miles and miles of film strips behind
all wasted
trying and trying

it's too bad that i only have this one strip
i better not waste it on foolish trials

i have a whole life ahead to fit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wi la nostalgie....
c'est vraiment piquant


4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those memories that are stuck in your head and film before you eyes like flashes of black and white, don't wish to erase them, don't regret them, don't wish they weren't there, they are what you are. They happenned they way they should, they make you the special person you are, they make you an artist, a poet.

9:14 AM  

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